First Minister’s Questions – 12/09/2024

Join us for First Minister’s Questions live from the Scottish Parliament in Holyrood, starting with General Questions to Ministers.

Scottish Parliament – First Minister’s Questions.

11:40am General Questions

Sarah Boyack S6O-03709
1. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on how it plans to achieve its net zero and just transition goals.

Pam Gosal S6O-03710
2. To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to the most recent Recorded Crime in Scotland statistics, which showed a 22% rise in crimes recorded under the Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018 in a single year.

Michael Marra S6O-03711
3. To ask the Scottish Government how it is supporting the renewables economy in the north east of Scotland, including through the retraining of energy workers and enhancing supply chain development.

Daniel Johnson S6O-03712
4. To ask the Scottish Government what assessment it has made of the latest achievement rates for Modern Apprenticeships across all frameworks.

Brian Whittle S6O-03713
5. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on what action it is taking to protect the provision of instrumental music tuition in schools.

Sandesh Gulhane S6O-03714
6. To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to the recent Centre for Social Justice report, Where have all the children gone? , which found that there has been a 72% increase in severe school absence rates in the last five years.

Rachael Hamilton S6O-03715
7. To ask the Scottish Government whether it plans to strengthen its Fair Work First Guidance to support and promote the good practice example, referenced in the guidance, of providing a private, healthy and safe environment for breastfeeding mothers to express and store milk.

Rhoda Grant
8. [Not Lodged]


12:00pm First Minister’s Questions

Douglas Ross S6F-03320
1. Question to be taken in Chamber.

Jackie Baillie S6F-03350
2. Question to be taken in Chamber.

Patrick Harvie S6F-03322
3. Question to be taken in Chamber.

Bob Doris S6F-03346
4. To ask the First Minister how the Scottish Government’s plans to improve the planning and consenting regime for renewable energy generation can support the journey to net zero.

Rachael Hamilton S6F-03340
5. To ask the First Minister what the Scottish Government’s response is to recent reports regarding Police Scotland’s policy on gender self-identification for individuals charged with or convicted of serious sexual assaults.

Carol Mochan S6F-03333
6. To ask the First Minister what action the Scottish Government is taking in response to the reported rise in hospice care costs, including to ensure that employees in that sector have pay parity with NHS staff.


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