Parliament Live from Holyrood – 05/09/2024

Parliament Live from Holyrood – 05/09/2024


Join us for Parliament Live from Holyrood with a Scottish Government programme for government debate on eradicating child poverty.

2:30pm – Portfolio Questions – Net Zero and Energy, and Transport

Richard Leonard S6O-03669
1. To ask the Scottish Government what steps it has taken to implement Scotland’s National Transport Strategy.

Jeremy Balfour S6O-03670
2. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide further details of its position on the re-introduction of peak fares on ScotRail trains.

Mark Griffin S6O-03671
3. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will review its goal of decarbonising transport, in light of its reported decision to increase fares and reduce services on Scotland’s railways.

Emma Harper S6O-03672
4. To ask the Scottish Government when it last met with Network Rail and ScotRail with regards to improving the Dumfries-Glasgow train service.

Pam Gosal S6O-03673
5. To ask the Scottish Government how it plans to assist local authorities with repairing potholes, in light of reports of the detrimental impact that large numbers of potholes are having on drivers across Scotland.

Oliver Mundell S6O-03674
6. To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to improve road safety on the A75.

Humza Yousaf S6O-03675
7. To ask the Scottish Government what its priorities are for COP29, which will take place in Baku later this year.

Alexander Stewart S6O-03676
8. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on the dualling of the A9.

Scottish Government Debate – Jenny Gilruth S6M-14322 – Programme for Government – Eradicating Child Poverty

That the Parliament notes the actions set out in the Programme for Government 2024-25 that focus on eradicating child poverty as the single greatest priority for the Scottish Government; recognises that sustained and cohesive effort is needed across all levels of government and in all parts of society to deliver on this national mission, especially at a time when the public finances are under acute pressure after 14 years of austerity; welcomes continued investment of around £3 billion in 2024-25 to eradicate poverty, mitigate the impacts of the cost of living crisis and invest in prevention to break the cycle of poverty; notes analysis of the Child Poverty Action Group, which estimates that low-income families in Scotland will be around £28,000 better off by the time that their child turns 18 when compared to other families across the UK; further notes modelling that estimates that 100,000 children will be kept out of relative poverty this year as a result of Scottish Government policies such as the Scottish Child Payment; recognises the Scottish Government’s commitment to working constructively with the UK Government to end child poverty once and for all, and agrees that the UK Government has the opportunity to lift thousands of children out of poverty in Scotland by taking action in the Autumn Budget to remove the two-child limit.

Business Motions

Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5:00pm – Decision Time

Parliament Live from Holyrood is available live and on catch-up afterwards.

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