Tag Archives | Westminster

Full Scottish

Full Scottish Chilcot Report

Full Scottish Chilcot Report After seven years John Chilcot’s report on Britain’s role in the lead up to the war in Iraq was finally published on Wednesday. It was a damning indictment on Tony Blair’s false justification for joining the American invasion and the mistakes in British intelligence which were used to suggest Saddam Hussein […]

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Full Scottish

Full Scottish – 10th July 2016

Welcome to your Full Scottish, live from the YES Bar in Glasgow. Programme starts at 12:30 PM on Sunday 10th July 2016 Chilcot. Tony Blair. George Bush. 179 dead servicemen and women. Promises to do “whatever”. Calls for war crimes trials and impeachment of the former PM. A distinct lack of outrage from the Tories […]

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Scotland in Europe Full Scottish alyn Smith MEP and Sara Sheridan

Full Scottish – 3rd July 2016

Welcome to your Full Scottish, live from the YES Bar in Glasgow. Programme starts at 12:30 PM on Sunday 3rd July 2016 Well the political rollercoaster just keeps looping the loop. Who could have predicted this week’s chaos at Westminster? Egos and big beasts, knives in the back, coups and character assassinations. While in Brussels […]

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Gavin Newlands MP

100 Days: Gavin Newlands MP

  Michelle Rodger interviews Gavin Newlands MP, one of the 56 SNP MPs elected in May, about his experiences in his first 100 days in the House of Commons, as the newly elected MP for Paisley and Renfrewshire North. From election night and the shock of victory, to his maiden speech and the “breath of […]

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Broadcasting Scotland